Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the waters of burton

Sept. 19, 2011

hola! good things are happening in burton. to name a few: we had a baptism on saturday. trevor is a ten year old kid who we've been working with lately. his mom joined the church when she was younger but had been less-active for a while, but she's been active again and she's been bringing trevor along with her. because trevor had never been baptized we did what we could to help make it happen. they're awesome. it's been a good experience working with them too. their car was actually stolen in december so they get some help from members for rides to church activities. last week something happened where they missed their ride to church so we were bummed, but they surprised us by coming late because they decided to take the bus. that's dedication and faith. so that was great, elder lewis performed the baptism and i gave a talk at the baptism.

last week we stopped by an inactive family that lives pretty close to the church. they were happy to see us and instantly the two youngest daughters got pumped up because they really want to be baptized. they're ten years old too, twins, they're pretty hilarious. so we told them we'd help them out and get them baptized. one of the girls was scared because she doesn't like the water, so we invited them to come to trevor's baptism so they could see for themselves what it's like. so they came with their mom and their brother and she felt better about it then. but it was cool, the ward was happy to see them all there, so it was a miracle within a miracle. they came to church yesterday too. the mom knows that she needs to start coming to church every week for their baptism to happen, but she seems to really be ready to come back regardless. they recently had a house fire where most of the things were destroyed, but a picture of jesus they had hanging up on the wall wasn't damaged at all, even though everything around it was burnt or had smoke damage. the lord absolutely directs our lives if we let him.

we have some other sweet investigators we're working with right now. they're coming to church and their lessons lately are directed by the spirit. we'll show up with something planned to go over and somehow we spend the whole time talking about something different, but it's what was needed. that one investigator who's been coming to church in a wheel chair i've talked a little about is still doing good. he has dyslexia so we ordered him the book of mormon on cds. he listened to 2 hours worth the first day. he has some knowledge on the jewish culture and he's teaching us things about the book of mormon as well, he'll say something like that makes sense because...... it's very cool.

i went on an exchange with one of our zone leaders, who was in my first district. so that was a lot of fun working with him again, he's a solid missionary. we were in downtown pontiac for most of the day riding around on bikes. i haven't seen hills since i've been in michigan but that whole day we were riding up and down hills, morning till night. it was a much needed workout. my foot handled it fine too. my toes still don't curl all the way, but i can live with that.

out of time, thanks for being the best. happy be-lated birthday mom! hope it was great. love you guys,
elder lamb

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