Tuesday, January 10, 2012

August 15, 2011

We have been finding a lot of sweet people. We got a media referral for an older guy. We contacted him last night and got to know him a little bit then. He and his wife use to meet with the missionaries about 10 years ago. It was difficult to get some focus overall because his grandkids came home halfway through our visit, but we got started on the Book of Mormon. He said he'll have to start coming to church with us soon and that he and his wife really want to get back into the momentum of meeting with missionaries. He doesn't remember very much but he seems really open and receptive. We also received a referral from some other missionaries. We haven't met her yet but she sounds solid from what they said. She told them that she already knows the Book of Mormon is true and that it has helped her in the past with some tragedies in her life. It sounds like she use to meet with the missionaries too. We're finding new people who do seem pretty solid. It seems like lately we've picked up a history of losing momentum with a lot of the people we're finding, but I think these people we're finding lately will be more solid.

Elder Ploeger and I are starting to use Preach My Gospel in lessons with members. Sean gave me that idea recently so we thought we'd try it out. We're working with a member to try and help a lot of her relatives investigate so this was a great opportunity to use it with her. We talked about promising blessings to her family when she invites them to church or do anything else. She loved it. We even did an activity and a practice with her from the book.

We had a great Specialized Training this week. Some things I took away was the importance of sanctifying our lives more and more. I may not have this application down completely so I'll keep studying this, but I'm starting to see that we can simply live a justified life where we do good and obey and go through the work, basically enduring. Or we can live a more sanctified life where we strive to improve and give up ourselves more as we try to become more like our savior. This is the option that really allows the spirit to work on us and that turns the "enduring" to "enduring well". I don't know, it makes more sense in my head ha.

Shoot out of time. We're going to the temple this Thursday for our district activity. I'm excited, I haven't been yet for a session. Only been once to clean it. Foot's doing ok. Still sore but getting better.
Have a great week, have fun at the wedding!

elder lamb

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