Tuesday, January 10, 2012

former hunting

Oct. 24, 2011

Hey family,
We had stake conference yesterday, it was the first stake conference i've been to on the mission, and I think it was the first one i was really focused in on, and probably completely awake for. it was awesome. bro armstrong came and he really enjoyed it, he drove himself and even said he'd drive us anywhere we'd ever need him too. and ended up giving us a ride home after. we listened to his folk/christian accapella music in his car. he's the man. it was a little more difficult for some our other investigators to come but this sunday will be back in the normal routine so we're hoping to see more people out at church again. this saturday is the ward's halloween activity at the church and we've been inviting investigators so we may even see some people out there too.

this week we focused on going through the former investigator records. this is the first area i've seen where the former invs had their own binder, they went back pretty far and the pile was pretty fat. we've made contact with some of them, some weren't interested but some were happy to hear from us so we're trying to pick things up with them. we contacted someone who had been in jail for 5 years, his record said he'd be getting out now so we called him up and he was there and we met with him. he had picked up some different ideas about "truth" while he was away and had lost interest in the church. so that was interesting at least, but too bad. we left him with a thought on the atonement from the book of mormon and left him with his own copy and our card if he ever wants to look up the church again.

we started talking to someone on the street and ended up meeting up with them later on for a lesson. they are really into studying the bible, and was interested in hearing what we had to share. we went over the restoration and he had told us that he's already been baptized. so we discussed the significance of authority. he cut us off and told us to be blunt with him and tell him if that means his baptism wasn't done the right way. so we told him it wasn't, and he actually took it pretty well. he was definitely a little shocked, but he said that he's going to "get to the bottom of this now". we're planning on meeting with him again tonight so we're hoping we can help him "get to the bottom of this" in the right way. aka, with the guidance of the holy ghost!

well that's about it for this week. we're working with some awesome people right now, they want to do good and learn about God and because of that they're able to make good progress. so it's been a good time working with these people. each week is a blast.

thanks for all that you guys do too. i hope everythings going good down in the OC. stay warm and eat lots of candy on halloween. any halloween plans? any cool costumes this year? feel free to use my crayon costume. love you guys, have a good week!

elder lamb

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