Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Oct. 17, 2011

Hey family,
i know this isn't really something i should focus on, but today i hit 11 months. in four weeks i'll be out a year and then i'll be halfway home.

things are good in the hood. we had a pretty exciting week. we've been finding sweet people. we went tracting one night and found an awesome older lady, the next house the guy wasn't interested, and then the next three houses we found solid potentials. the first lady we've already gone back and had an appointment with. one of the guys was already planning on ordering himself a Book of Mormon and we're going to see him tomorrow. another lady seemed really cool and she's married to an inactive member who's not on our records, she said she's interested in learning more. the last lady was interested and we set up to see her tomorrow too. so that was just one tracting session. we have a couple people on date at the moment and some more people who aren't on date yet but want to be baptized. so good things are happening, but we can't afford to get too comfortable. the way i see it, we've got to be even more focused and stretch ourselves even more.

we had an awesome experience with bill. he's the man who's been coming each week to church in his wheel chair. he's wanting to be baptized now, but his biggest issue has been smoking, which he does for medical reasons to control his seizures. well he requested a priesthood blessing and last week we gave that to him. in the blessing he was told that the seizures would lie dormant and not affect him anymore as he gives up smoking to work towards baptism and confirmation. immediately after the blessing, the sharp pain in one of his legs that has been there for months left and yesterday he said he has feeling in one of his feet again. he went a day without smoking, but smoked again after that. understandable since he's been smoking for a lot of his life. but the fact that the lord healed his leg as well is a testimony to us that all aspects of the blessing worked and that he's closer to baptism if he keeps putting his faith in the lord.

so good things are happening. awesome experiences with some disappointments, but that's how the work goes. one disappointment that's less work-related is the warm days are gone. winter's coming and the days have been in the low 50s. it's looking like i'll stay here till at least the end of december because of elder clark's training, so at least i'm guaranteed some car-time for this winter. no more riding a bike on ice or getting chased by dogs in the snow. knock on wood. i gave a talk yesterday in sacrament meeting on the doctrine and covenants, i had to do a little research, i think it turned out alright. i also got to hold a page from one of the original copies of the 1830 book of mormons. it was in a preservation case. our ward mission leader has it and told us a cool story of how he got it. and i think that's about it for this week.

thanks for being great examples to me, you guys all are an amazing blessing in my life. keep up the good work!

love you guys,
elder lamb

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