Wednesday, December 29, 2010
December 27, 2010
Whaddup doe? doe, like the deer - i don't know why, but that's what everybody says here. How's it going? That was great getting to talk you all on the phone just a few days ago. I still can't believe that was 2 hours, it barely felt like 1 to me. Can't wait to talk to you again in May. How was Christmas day in Orlando? Want to email a few pics of the cruise and D-World? Anything new since we last talked? It hasn't been long so I don't really have a whole lot to say this time.
Christmas was good. We squeezed in normal teaching when we could. Christmas Eve we had two dinners at two members houses. On Christmas morning we opened our presents and called you at the Rumbley's house, they're members in our branch. Sister Rumbley, aka 'Granny', is really the only active member of their family. But there's a ton of people in and out of that house, some are technically members/some aren't. And I'm still trying to figure out who is related to who and how that big family tree is set up. But really good really awesome people. There's a lot of potential there and we're always working on bringing them closer to Christ and getting them more involved somehow. We ended up having dinner there later on in the day after we did some teaching. We had ham, mac'n'cheese, turkey, potatoes, the usual. But something not so usual was thrown into the line-up. Ever heard of "chitlin"? Ha oh man. It's some serious Soul Food. It's boiled pig intestine. It smells like pooh. Tastes like it smells. I felt a little bold and had some. Super chewy, a little bit of hot sauce sort of softens the blow. I took a picture and wanted to email that, but I couldn't find a slot for my memory card on this computer. Just use your imagine, it sort of looks like a piece of chicken that's already been chewed up. Ha sorry if this is making anyone sick, just giving you a taste of D-Town.
I taught Elders Quorum yesterday at church. That's what happens at the Belle Isle Branch sometimes. Awesome members, but the size and attendance has room for improvement. When sacrament started yesterday it was us 4 Elders (another companionship in our area are part of the branch), the branch president and his family, a family of 9, and maybe two others. More people showed up eventually though. The Elders Quorum President asked me to give the lesson on two talks from President Monson from the October General Conference this year - "Charity Never Faileth" and "The Divine Gift of Gratitude". Check them out if you get a chance, there's something in those we all can really work on.
Yesterday at church we were talking with the Branch President and the Young Men's President, and the prez had a pretty sweet idea. I guess the Young Men's program is pretty much non-existent. And something families down here really need down here is a solid Priesthood holder in the home, which is tough when dads aren't always around. So the 4 of us missionaries are part of the Young Men's Program in the branch now. This Tuesday we're meeting with the young men's prez, Brother Black, and we're having a planning session - along with some pizza and a movie (church movie). We're going to plan out activities for the next month or so and start thinking of ways to pump up all the 12-18 yr old guys and their dads if possible. It's also a good way to get some of our investigators involved in the church. Elder Berger and I were talking about a few days ago how sweet it would be for the Rumbley Family if Marlin ( a 16 yr old kid in the family who was baptized but isn't active) got more into the church. So that's exciting.
For Pday today we're going to go to the inner-city down-town part of Detroit to do some sight-seeing and all that good stuff. So I'll try to take some good pics.
Well it's time to go. Thanks to everyone who sent cards and presents. Really, it's awesome just getting normal letters out here so Christmas present packages are a whole new level of excitement. It was good hearing from friends and family and seeing your guys' pics on christmas cards. It was cool taking a step back from the usual traditions of Christmas and focusing on Christ and the holiday's true meaning. Whether people really do understand Christ and all He did for us (I'm still working on understanding that completely), Christmas really testifies of Him and His spirit can be felt a little stronger and helps put everyone in a better mood (with the help of presents and fun activities) but without that Spirit it wouldn't be the same. That might not have come out as smoothly as I'd like. But Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from D-town! Love ya!
December 20, 2010
Hey hey family, how're things on the west side of the states? Pretty warm? Well, compared to here at least. I don't know how cold it's been here because we don't have any way of checking the temperature, but oh man has it been freezing. But I expected that. And thanks for the thicker gloves, those make a huge difference. They're great thanks. Could you look up the temperatures for the past week just so I have an idea of what it's been and what that feels like? I've been cold and been able to see my breath before, but when I walked out of the airport it was like there was a constant cloud of breath in front of everyone's face that would never go away. Ha but enough on that, we'll just leave it at "it's pretty cold here."
So I'm really sorry about not calling from the airport. I was bummed too, I'll explain the situation more when I talk to you guys in a few days on Christmas. But basically, there was a missionary from my district who sort of messed it up for me because I had to wait with him and then ran out of time to call. He'd never been to an airport before so I don't really blame him, but it's all good, it's in the past and I've moved on. But I'm excited to talk to you guys in just a few days! Thanks for sending a calling card, I bought one at the MTC for 5 bucks just in case you guys forgot to because I don't think we ever talked about what we'd be doing for that.
Are you guys on the cruise right now? Oh man, if I was anywhere else I'd get up from whatever I was doing to meet up with you guys. Can't wait to hear all about it. Pssh and Sean's home! That's crazy! It seems like he barely left. I got a letter from Arin saying she was sitting next to him in our living room and he was on the computer. Ha that's so weird to think about.
So guess where my first area is? The Belle Isle Branch in east downtown Detroit. Ha oh man is it crazy here. If I wasn't a missionary here I wouldn't be doing the stuff I've been doing - like riding around on a bike at night. Ya our area is bikes only. That's pretty tough to do when the weather's like this. We're riding around on snow-covered roads (Detroit doesn't really plow their roads) and half the time the roads are pretty much all ice - it's like riding a bike around on an ice skating rink. I've slid off a few times, but I'm getting the hang of it, but don't worry no injury we don't ride fast. I wasn't sure if I should mention the crazy stuff, but it's not really that crazy so I'll fill you in. And besides we're good about keeping the rules and not pushing our luck with anything, we try to make smart decisions for the sake of staying safe, and for that we're blessed. But that's not to say I wouldn't appreciate any prayers in my direction :) But really don't worry, it's a tough part of the world here but the Lord's taking care of us.
So my first day here my companion Elder Berger and I were out riding around and we ran into a pack of wild dogs walking around one of the streets probably looking for food or some way to get warm. We turned the other way. There was like 6 of them. The place is a lot like what you see on tv (check out Eminem's music video "Beautiful" to get a good idea), a lot of abandoned buildings and houses, some burned down houses. The whole mission isn't like this, just one or two areas are in the actual downtown city of Detroit, so I'm excited to move out to better areas eventually - but it is nice to start off with the toughest parts and right at the beginning of winter, the other parts of the mission will seem easier.
But what makes this place one of my favorite places I've been to is the people for sure. There are some really amazing individuals and families out here and in our branch. And most of them are inactive or have broken (and pretty crazy) family situations going on at home, so the potential here is awesome. Black people everywhere, and I love it. Ha the little kids especially, they're hilarious. The frustrating thing is when you see these awesome people and see how in tune with the Spirit everyone is out here, but then see them not be willing to take steps (that they admit they need) to draw closer to the Savior. Most everyone out here really respects and appreciates the missionaries. If there's a place that really needs help in turning itself over to the Lord, it's Detroit, hands down. Lives are messed up. Families are messed up. And all of these tough problems would be fixed if these people started building upon the Rock of the Redeemer. But we're working on it, I've only been here a week ;)
My companion/trainer's name is Elder Berger. He's a cool guy, he's 6'7''! Ha I feel pretty short next to him. He's going to play bball at Utah State in the fall. He's been here for 16 months. He's the District leader (which is nice because that means we have a car, but we can't really use it because we only have a certain number of miles, but every once in a while we get a break from biking it). He's also been an assistant to the president, so he's a good guy who knows what he's doing. He and I have already seen some pretty cool little miracles start to happen. We've got some tough situations with investigators and families, and we're already starting to see things change and see answers to our prayers. My mission president and his wife are really cool too. I'm pretty blessed out here. My companion from the MTC, Elder Russan, is in my zone so I get to see him every once in a while which is pretty cool.
Sorry for the novel-sized email. I had a lot to fill you in on since this whole thing is still pretty new to me. Studying scriptures and the gospel for a few weeks at the MTC can be pretty awesome if you let it be, but it doesn't compare to the mission. Completely different. It's still pretty cool to me to work as a missionary and see people's lives change right in front of you with the help of Jesus Christ's gospel. It's awesome.
Did you get the tape and SD card I sent? Ummm what else...Oh ever seen a Black Santa Clause? He's everywhere out here. Black Santa's on front lawns and black angels on top of trees...I never thought about it, but who says Santa isn't black? I'm always in bed before he visits so I can't say either way.
Oh here's my address:
943 Alter Rd, apt. 307
Detroit, MI 48215
You can also send stuff to the mission home address in Farmington, but this will get things quicker. I miss you guys and love you. Can't wait to talk to you in a few days. We'll probably be calling sometime in between 11-1 our time.
Love ya,
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hey! Crazy we're taking off so soon, time is really weird here - it feels like we just got here, and then at the same time the days are so long and filled up with constant stuff that it seems like I've been here forever. If that doesn't make sense then it just goes to show how weird this place is. But ya we're leaving early Monday morning. Early. We have to wake up at like 3ish, our flight is at 7. So I'll most likely be calling from sometime after 6-ish? If you don't hear from me anytime around then, then maybe I'll be calling after my flight? But sometime in the morning, sorry it's not more specific than that. I'm sort of figuring this whole thing out as I go.
Thanks a bunch for the cookies mom. And the Reese's peanut butter bars. Everybody loved them, they wanted me to have you send some more cookies but it probably won't get here before we take off so don't worry about it. But that doesn't mean you have to stop sending ME cookies. They'll still be appreciated in Detroit. Thanks for the socks too, basketball and P-days are more enjoyable. So I just got a haircut, everyone has to get one before they leave for the field. It's alright looking. The good news was there was a cute girl in the MTC barber shop when I got my haircut I got to talk to, she's going to BYU and totally worth it. I convinced her to learn guitar, just planting potential seeds.
So Sean's home, crazy! Two years went by really fast, I'm a little bit jealous you guys get to spend time with him and I'm still a whole 2 years away still. But I'm still having a great time so stuff like that is fine. It's still great hearing from everybody thanks for the letters. Ah dangit the timer says I'm down to barely any time now, can't wait to leave this timer behind when I leave the MTC.
I'll probably be sending you a box home in a few days of things I won't need afterall. I gotta go, but I love you guys. Still love hearing about everything you've been up to and just hearing anything really. I'm still learning a lot every day and seeing some pretty cool miracles. This Sunday was fast Sunday and I bore my testimony on that. When you try to learn more about Christ and make him a bigger part of your life He does more than you even expect to help you out, I'm no Elder Holland or Pres Monson though. Love you guys, Can't wait to talk to you on the phone in just a few days!
Elder Lamb
Thanks a bunch for the cookies mom. And the Reese's peanut butter bars. Everybody loved them, they wanted me to have you send some more cookies but it probably won't get here before we take off so don't worry about it. But that doesn't mean you have to stop sending ME cookies. They'll still be appreciated in Detroit. Thanks for the socks too, basketball and P-days are more enjoyable. So I just got a haircut, everyone has to get one before they leave for the field. It's alright looking. The good news was there was a cute girl in the MTC barber shop when I got my haircut I got to talk to, she's going to BYU and totally worth it. I convinced her to learn guitar, just planting potential seeds.
So Sean's home, crazy! Two years went by really fast, I'm a little bit jealous you guys get to spend time with him and I'm still a whole 2 years away still. But I'm still having a great time so stuff like that is fine. It's still great hearing from everybody thanks for the letters. Ah dangit the timer says I'm down to barely any time now, can't wait to leave this timer behind when I leave the MTC.
I'll probably be sending you a box home in a few days of things I won't need afterall. I gotta go, but I love you guys. Still love hearing about everything you've been up to and just hearing anything really. I'm still learning a lot every day and seeing some pretty cool miracles. This Sunday was fast Sunday and I bore my testimony on that. When you try to learn more about Christ and make him a bigger part of your life He does more than you even expect to help you out, I'm no Elder Holland or Pres Monson though. Love you guys, Can't wait to talk to you on the phone in just a few days!
Elder Lamb
Dylan's mission farewell Nov. 14, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hey so sorry about the crazy email situation last week. That sorta bugged me. It's all good. Thanks to everyone for all of the letters and packages I've been getting. I never thought I'd see the day where I had more cookies than I was comfortable eating, but the day came. I'm hoping I don't come back a big round kid, but don't worry I'm not saying I don't appreciate the treats. Honestly thanks a lot everyone. It's good to hear from everyone.
Mom thanks for sending those gloves and socks, I'll have to look in my boots for my socks - I took the socks out the first day but maybe I didn't search deep enough. I'm still having a great time and still learning a lot. It really is what you make it here. I could see the MTC experience being miserable - strict schedule, stuck inside this small isolated little city, no tv or music or personal stuff like that, lack of communication, and the list goes on - but there's so much to this place that's really awesome. I'm learning a lot about Christ by reading scriptures and James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ, I recommend it to anyone up for a deep book. I'm trying to really learn the scriptures to help with teaching - trying but I ended up buying sticky pads and a scripture mastery card, so I'm not really learning them, just turning my scriptures into a more usable tool.
Elder Ward took off this Monday for Nicaragua, I got to see him a few times when he was here. Love that guy. Can't wait to party in Provo with him again in two years. I'm almost oout of time, I'm starting to really hate this timer. Sorry to those people I didn't get to write back this week, I'll get you back next week.
I'm still having fun, still learning lots. Still miss you guys. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is still the true church. And Jesus is still the Christ and Redeemer of the world. And I still am bummed I don't get to listen to the new Kanye album that just ccame out.
I'll try and send you a letter this week when i get a chance. I love you guys lots.
Elder Lamb
Mom thanks for sending those gloves and socks, I'll have to look in my boots for my socks - I took the socks out the first day but maybe I didn't search deep enough. I'm still having a great time and still learning a lot. It really is what you make it here. I could see the MTC experience being miserable - strict schedule, stuck inside this small isolated little city, no tv or music or personal stuff like that, lack of communication, and the list goes on - but there's so much to this place that's really awesome. I'm learning a lot about Christ by reading scriptures and James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ, I recommend it to anyone up for a deep book. I'm trying to really learn the scriptures to help with teaching - trying but I ended up buying sticky pads and a scripture mastery card, so I'm not really learning them, just turning my scriptures into a more usable tool.
Elder Ward took off this Monday for Nicaragua, I got to see him a few times when he was here. Love that guy. Can't wait to party in Provo with him again in two years. I'm almost oout of time, I'm starting to really hate this timer. Sorry to those people I didn't get to write back this week, I'll get you back next week.
I'm still having fun, still learning lots. Still miss you guys. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is still the true church. And Jesus is still the Christ and Redeemer of the world. And I still am bummed I don't get to listen to the new Kanye album that just ccame out.
I'll try and send you a letter this week when i get a chance. I love you guys lots.
Elder Lamb
More...mission farewell
Nov. 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Email Numero 1
Family! I miss you guys more than anything else my MTC life is lacking. And that's saying a lot. I really do miss you guys though, I love ya lots too. But you know that. So I'm hoping this email works. The internet here has been freaking out, and no one was able to log in to their email account for a good solid hour or so of our alotted email time. This just might kick me out, so I should probs stop rambling about that. But I should probably let you know that my good bud Elder Zubeck is creeping on me and reading this over my back right now, so I probably won't say anything too risky here. Wait for the next email for that. He's a good guy though. I'm honestly having a great time here. It's not as easy a time as hanging out at home since mid-April has been, but it's worth it. The difficult times aren't all that difficult, and when things get a little bumpy it's only because I'm learning and growing as a missionary. And as a person I'd even venture to say. The guy's in my district are nuts, but I love them. It's one of those situations where you're put with people you most likely wouldn't find yourself hanging out with in the real outside world, but they're all awesome. We have a strong district, we take the study and class time we have seriously and work hard. But it's not all serious here. There are three other elders I'm closest too and we make sure we squeeze in some time for some fun. Well, as much fun as you can squeeze in here. When we have study time the 4 of us go to our own secret study spot, it's called the Bird's Nest. It's the top floor of the tallest building and we're right next to a window overlooking P-Town. I've been trying to use my time as best I can here because I know how important it will be out in the field to be as prepared as I can be. But I'm squeezing in some laughs, I decided a good thing for me to always be working on is making sure I find a good balance between fun and focus.
One of the four elders I talked about is my companion. His name's Elder Russan. He's a baseball player from Lehi, Utah fresh out of high school. He's a good guy. We work well together in lessons and get along great. Zubeck is a hilarious kid from Delta, Utah.
So.....there are a lot of email problems going on right now. I was able to log in on my friend's account but half of my email to you guys wasn't saved. I'm down to 3 minutes left of typing so We just have to leave it here. But I'll send you a letter today too. sorry this has been crazy. I love you guys, hopefully I'll be able to send a more solid email next week. The church is true! Love ya lots.
Elder Lamb
One of the four elders I talked about is my companion. His name's Elder Russan. He's a baseball player from Lehi, Utah fresh out of high school. He's a good guy. We work well together in lessons and get along great. Zubeck is a hilarious kid from Delta, Utah.
So.....there are a lot of email problems going on right now. I was able to log in on my friend's account but half of my email to you guys wasn't saved. I'm down to 3 minutes left of typing so We just have to leave it here. But I'll send you a letter today too. sorry this has been crazy. I love you guys, hopefully I'll be able to send a more solid email next week. The church is true! Love ya lots.
Elder Lamb
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Straight from Dylan's facebook: Well I guess this is it. 2 years in Detroit. I can't say I know what's in store for me over there, but I do know it's going to be pretty epic. Thanks for all of the love and support I've already started to get from you guys. Feel free to write and fill me in on what's going on in the real world. My rockin' mom is updating a blog about my trip, check it out to see what I've been up to and to find out how to contact me.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Some last advice from big brother Sean: Live every princilple you learn through the Spirit. Live every principle in Preach My Gospel and the scriptures and every word from your spiritual leaders. Love, serve, and continue forward in your work. You won't always see results from your work. You might have to wait until heaven to see most of them. The success you see will be in you, and only you can measure it. You'll learn everything you need. The Lord will teach you everything He needs you to know to help His children if you do what's right. You're going to have so much fun and help so many people get closer to eternal happiness! I'm so excited to see you do this. I love you, Sean
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Missionary advice for the day: "When a big mean dog attacks you, Elder, just remember, you don't have to run faster than the dog, ... you just have to outrun your companion."
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