Monday, June 4, 2012

bugs up my nose

May  29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day! The libraries were closed yesterday so we didn't get to email right away. Hopefully everyone had a good time, maybe set off some fireworks even? We celebrated by having a barbeque with the other missionaries in our district. We went to a park in the sisters' apartment complex. We played a lot of volleyball. It's been too long. And I only got a little sunburned.

This week was good. We had a fireside and Dan and Rachel both came. They're working towards baptism real soon. Rachel this weekend coming up and Dan the following week. They both really enjoyed it. And I saw a few familiar faces from other areas. Remember Bill from when I was over in Flint? "The old baptist minister" as he likes to refer to himself as. He's the guy who would come to church in a wheelchair and had the issue with giving up smoking before his baptism who smoked for health reasons. He was there. And so was Laura who we baptized in Plymouth. She was baptized by Lil' Wayne if you remember seeing the pic. She's doing awesome right now. She told me she's been called as a Single Adults Rep, and she's tearing it up as would be expected. So it was neat to see them both as well as other missionaries you don't get to see very often. Things are going great. The weather's been warm and humid, it's been raining a little too. And we've been out of miles as the month has come to a close so we've been biking a lot. We rode through about 5 minutes of bugs one night, big swarms of something were hitting our faces, I ate a few and some definitely went up my nose. A highlight this week was when I was on an exchange in a town called Brighton and we did some yard work on a pretty big farm property. I got to use a sit-down lawn mower for the first time. It was awesome. It was the kind you steer with the two levers you push out and pull in. I did a couple donuts and picked up some good speed. Too bad we don't have enough lawn back home to use one of those things.

This week is zone conference so we have to put together an instruction in the next couple days. we have a few good ideas so far. we'll probably be instructing on retention. john 15: and we heard we're getting a senior couple in the ypsilanti ward to also help out with the singles ward. senior couples are awesome, i'm excited. we haven't met them yet but they're always the coolest people. 

well that's about it.
have a great week and keep being awesome. thanks for everything.
much love, elder lamb

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