Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Easter from Ypsi

April 9, 2012

Happy Easter from Ypsi! I hope everyone had a good day yesterday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you haven't had a chance to check out any of the recent Bible Videos that have come out, definitely check these ones out 
 ( ) the newer ones are on the Atonement and are especially good. probably the best media the church has ever come out with. 

the spirit was very strong in sacrament meeting yesterday for the easter program. plus kristena was confirmed as well as another lady who was baptized yesterday by the other elders in the ward. a pretty neat experience also happened in the high priest class yesterday. elder davis and i went in for a few minutes with one of the ward missionaries to share a quick presentation. we watched a quick clip called "A Marvelous Work and a Wonder" and bore our testimonies on missionary work. the purpose was to pump up the members in the ward (the other elders gave a similar presentation in the elders quorum, and we're going to do a combined one next week with the youth), and it was successful, the high priests were willing to help. the ward is already super supportive, but the presentation was more to help some of the members who haven't come out to help in a while. but a part that was especially cool was during the presentation one of the members spoke up to share a testimony on missionary work. he talked about how growing up his daughter would bring a friend to church every once in a while but they eventually went their separate ways. but fast forward 20 years to today, that friend recently had missionaries knock on her door and met with them for a few months and then was baptized this saturday with her 9 year old son. turns out i knew exactly who he was talking about because i tracted into her, and elder adamson and i had been teaching her and her son for the past couple months. the last day i was there she had an experience where she knew she wanted her and her son to be baptized. i was hoping to go to the baptism this saturday but it didn't work out because we were on exchanges - so when this member shared that story and i said i was one of the missionaries who knocked on her door, it seemed to add to the spirit of the discussion. the lord works in neat ways.

everything is great right now. i'm having fun and working hard and learning things every day. i feel like i'm especially motivated to work hard and exercise faith because of the opportunities to help people i'm starting to notice right now. the opportunities have always been there - and they will always be there for all of us - but i feel like i'm noticing more ways to serve now more than ever. i think part of that comes from asking the Lord for a vision of what it is He wants us to do. when we ask Him what we can do to help, He will surely point out opportunities to do so. and that's where miracles and true happiness is found. it makes others happy, it brings us happiness as we serve, and more than anyone the Lord is pleased.

time to go, but thanks for everything, you're all in my prayers.
elder lamb

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