Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The OC

July 30, 2012

New transfer! I'm here in Ypsilanti still, and my new companion is Elder Johnson from....Irvine, CA! Gotta love that OC spirit. He's great, I've served around him before, he was a district leader in the westland zone when i was a zone leader there. he and i know some of the same people too. and he has some good ideas for the zone that we'll feel out, he was a zone leader in the bloomfield hills zone for the past few months. and it's been a fun week, we've seen lots of good things happen. just yesterday a lady called us up and said she really needs spiritual guidance. it was a lady elder pedersen and i talked to about a month ago and gave her a card. when we taught her yesterday for the first time she had a lot of research done already on the mormon church and was ready to just soak in as much as we could give her. we had another experience where there was a lady helping her father, who was in his 80s and had dimensia, out of the car and he ended up collapsing on her and fell to the ground. we ran over from across the street and helped get him into the house. he seemed ok, we got him set up on his coach and helped her calm down. she said she had things under control, so we left her with a plan of salvation pamphlet and our phone number. it was pretty intense, very scary for her.

i think the highlight of the week was going to the temple. we went on saturday with elizabeth (baptized last saturday) and cyaira (baptized in may) to do temple baptisms. it was their first time going and it was a great experience. elizabeth probably set a new record for the quickest temple trip for a new member after their own baptism. the credit goes to the young women leaders in the ward, they jumped right on that and put together the trip for them. it was the first temple baptism trip i've been on since i've been out here too, we helped out with some of the ordinance work too.

i'm low on time, we went to help some people move this morning and we still have some things to do before 6 when p-day comes to a close. but life is good! hope everyone is doing good over there on the west side of the states. have a great day.

much love, elder lamb

July 23, 2012

Baptized and Baptized


Elizabeth and Mike were baptized! It was a great baptism service, the spirit was very strong. Elizabeth was in tears when she was standing in the font. And Mike was just so at peace for the whole thing. It has been an awesome experience working with them both. It seems like helping others learn about the gospel is also an experience to learn things yourself, and these two were no different. And just unbelievable miracles took place that anchored my own faith more in the Lord. This is His work, we just are helping Him.
The baptisms were absolutely the highlight of the week. And something much less significant, but still fun, was the baseball game we went to on Thursday. Angels vs Tigers. The Tigers won. Rachel and Kristena drove us and the Belleville Elders (Kristena was baptized in March and Rachel was baptized in June), so it was fun to go with them. And we ended up seeing a lot of other missionaries there.

So there are some pictures from the game and also of Mike and Elizabeth. They're the ones in the front of the picture in between Elder Pedersen and me. The two in the back are members of the ward who baptized them. Bro Higham has the beard and he's one of the ward missionaries, awesome guy. He helps us a lot with teaching and has become a good friend of Mike. And the man with the glasses is Cyaira's grandpa (who also baptized Cyaira in May). Elizabeth is a close friend of Cyaira and her family. And Elizabeth's mom is in the middle. And then there's also a bonus picture I threw in, it's me in Grinch footy pajamas. Swagger, huh?

That's about it I think for the week. The new transfer starts today. Elder Pedersen goes home tomorrow so I'll be getting a new companion. We're meeting up with some other missionaries and some members today to play some games at the church. It'll be a fun day. Elder P's doing good it seems like, still focused and having fun. Not too weirded out with going home.

Well gotta go, love you guys. Have a great week.
Love, Elder Lamb

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