Sunday, June 5, 2011

summer time and the living's....sneezy

May 31, 2011

hey family, sorry i'm a little late on the letter. yesterday was memorial day and the library was closed. did you guys get to set off any fireworks? not that portola hills is the best place for that... hoepfully it was a good one and you guys enjoyed the break. we went to a members' house for a barbeque with a couple different member families. how are things in the lovely southern california? the summer hit yesterday and the cold, gloomy michigan i've known is nowhere to be seen. yesterday was 89 degrees and right now it's 94. the sun's out now, and it feels good. the humidity is sort of a buzz kill but it still is nice to have weather more like back home. this morning we were helping an older couple in the ward with some yard work and i got a bad case of the allergies. i'm hoping i'm just adjusting to the new weather and new season, but if the whole summer is going to be this way then i'll have to pick up some allergy medicine. i didn't know i could sneeze that much though, someone once told me that if you sneeze more than 10 times in a row then your heart stops. false. i proved that wrong a few times today.

so this is the first week of a new transfer. i'm still in roseville with elder ploeger. i'm excited about that, this is my first time sticking with a companion for more than one transfer too. first time in one area for more than two transfers. things are getting mixed around a little bit this transfer too, keeping it fresh. the elder who had been the district leader this whole time is still in the district but he's training a greenie now and another missionary was made district leader. and his companionship stayed the same but they took on a third missionary now. so there are some new and exciting things happening. as for roseville, nothing new or crazy like that, but we did get elder ploeger's bike today finally. just in time for the heat! yellow pits here i come. but i won't leave you with that being the exciting news, there's better news than that. nothing too crazy, but for roseville it's something to get excited about. we're meeting with our bishop this week and trying to get things started as far as working with the members and less-actives more. elder ploeger and i think that this area would have more success if we focused on the ward a little more. there are really solid people in the ward, but there's a pretty large in-active list that we're going to pay more attention to. and it's looking like we're going to be working with members a little more too. there were some good things that happened this sunday with the ward and we think things are going to continue to pick up for the area.

we found a new investigator this week. her name's shalawn. she's super solid. we only had a few minutes to tract one day and she was one of the two or three we tried. she just moved her and is looking for a good church to come to and to raise her kids up in. just goes to show that the Lord gives us the opportunities if we sincerely want them. but we came back for a lesson a little later in the week and it went really well. before we even started our lesson she was talking more about what she was looking for in a church and she seemed to be sold when we brought up mutual and the involvement for the kids. but that's not enough to gain a true conversion, so we went over the restoration, and she was even more excited about that. she was feeling really good the entire lesson and everything seemed to be making sense. we talked to her about the importance of not just taking our word for it but turning to God through prayer to get that spiritual witness of it all, and her response was "i already know it's true, but of course i'll be praying about it too." miracle lesson i'd say. it was a huge blessing for us and the area to find someone like that too. she was going out of town this weekend to see family for memorial day, but she's looking forward to church this upcoming sunday.

i'm already out of time, but things are going great. and no i haven't gotten my contacts yet but i'll be looking for them, any day now i'm sure. have a good week, love you guys!

elder lamb

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